Auxiliary Juniors lead the Pledge of Allegiance with the crowd. Shortly after they led the crowd in "God Bless America." Once inside they continued showing support to our veterans.


John J. Morris Post 62 honors Veterans Day

Peoria, AZ

As with the rest of the nation, John J. Morris Post 62 (Peoria, Ariz.) honored Veterans Day on Nov. 11. The day started with almost 20 Riders pulling in, signaling time to start. The honor guard came next with flags from each branch of service, then lowered and raised the flag with the bugler. Our Auxiliary Juniors then led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Speakers from each part of the Post 62 family gave brief speeches. Our Juniors again took the lead by singing "God Bless America." The outside part of the event then closed as everyone moved inside. We had special tables set up as we were also honoring our World War II veterans. On all the tables were drawings from local elementary schools for everyone to enjoy. The post distributed 200 free patriotic shirts to the group. The post supplied hamburgers, hot dogs and the condiments, and members brought in a massive potluck including desserts for everyone. The Juniors went around distributing American flags and poppies to everyone, then after the meal took root beer floats to everyone. A group from the post then went over to a nearby care center and presented 100 Veterans Day letters to the veterans there who cannot get out and around the community, done by a local elementary school. Local favorite band Reboot entertained the crowd with four hours of music, allowing everyone to dance off lunch!

Peoria Centennial High School livestreamed the whole outside event for us; they have done it for over six straight years. They are there hours ahead to set everything up and out there long after the event taking everything down to go back to the school

Two tables were set up to honor our World War II veterans in attendance. There were thank-you drawings from a local school around the whole dining hall.

Chaplain Hauf presenting 100 letters from an elementary school to veterans at a local care facility for those not able to get out into the community.
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