Legionnaires are busy around town getting everything in order, including posting banners around town by Michael Manning and dual member Jim Vincent, as LeBron American Legion Post 58 of Guthrie, Okla., is gearing up for their 94th Annual 89er Days Celebration, running Tuesday-Saturday, April 18-22, starting with the Chuck Wagon Feed with a live auction and a talent show for adults and kids, and ending with the longest parade in Oklahoma. Featured in the parade will be queens and princesses from various towns, Oklahoma's National Guard Band, two flyovers by our military and National Guard, and Langston University's marching band. Other highlights include the WCRA ‘89er Days Rodeo where the county sheriff will ride a bull, Commanding General’s Mounted Color Guard – Fort Riley, Kan., Cavalry, U.S. Marshalls Show with Will Rogers, Big Wheel and Race, Great Bed Race, Land Run Beard & Moustache Contest, First in State Fun Run sponsored by the '89er Battalion JROTC, Geezers, Gassers & Hawgs car show sponsored by the Rotary Club, Window Contest, Scavenger Hunt, and so much more for the entire family. Please visit www.89erdays.com for more information.