American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) National President Lisa Williamson conducted an official visit to the Department of Oregon on April 7-11, 2024. Hailing from Fairbanks, National President Williamson is a member of Department of Alaska C. Russell Huber ALA Unit 57 in Fairbanks, as well as Con Miller American Legion Riders (ALR) Chapter 30 in North Pole. Her three-day trip to Oregon, book-ended with travel from, and return to, the East Coast, began and ended at North Eugene/Santa Clara 83, in Eugene, Ore. Travel hosts for the visit were ALA Department President Catherine Brockmann, Aloha Unit 104 and ALA Department Vice President Cindy Soria, Fallin Unit 123.
Highlights of Williamson’s official visit included a travel escort by members of North Eugene/Santa Clara ALR Chapter 83 and Stayton ALR Chapter 58 to Camp Alma in rural Veneta. Williamson enjoyed the tremendous support provided by the ALR escort. The tour at Camp Alma included an overview of the Veterans Legacy program, a veteran residential program with a mission to provide safe and secure places for veterans encountering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance-use disorders, associative traumas, homelessness and legal issues, where they live and work as they begin the journey back to successful reintegration into the community.
The Rider escort by ALR Chapters 83 and 58 would continue from Camp Alma all the way to Florence, on the Pacific Coast, where the tour included stops at Oregon Coast Military Museum, a Be the One walk along the Bayfront boardwalk and a tasting at veteran-owned and operated All About Olives, all hosted by Francis M. Yost ALA Unit 59 of Florence.
On day two, following a brief respite at USCG Umpqua River Lighthouse in Winchester Bay, the trek proceeded to Coos Bay for a tour of USCG Cutter Orcas and stopped at Simpson Reef at Shore Acres State Park, Sunset Bay State Park, and Cape Arago, all hosted by Bay Area ALA Unit 34 of Coos Bay. The evening included precious time with loved ones, as dinner was enjoyed in Roseburg with Lisa’s younger brother and his three children from the nearby area. The day concluded with a brief visit to Roseburg National Cemetery Annex to honor and remember those who came before us.
Day three included a memorable tour of the Roseburg Veterans Affairs (VA) campus, which included briefings from the Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE) staff, tours of the clothing and food donations room, memory care and hospice units and visits with CDCE volunteers at the facility.
A meet and greet, followed by a luncheon, was hosted at Earle B. Stewart ALA Unit 16 in Roseburg and included additional representatives from Legion posts and units including Cave Junction, Medford and Williams. The next stop would be at Calvin Funk ALA Unit 32 in Cottage Grove, where a Be the One walk was conducted in a portion of the downtown area, in view of four housing cottages sponsored by the post, and included Veterans Park, home of the Centennial Covered Bridge.
The official visit would conclude where it began, at North Eugene/Santa Clara 83, where a Legion Family dinner was hosted by ALA members. National President Williamson made a keynote address which touched on Be the One and destigmatizing asking for mental health help and what volunteers can do to make a difference.
Whether the stop was brief or extended and relaxed, National President Lisa’s message to the public and Legion Family was filled with commitment to veterans and Be the One. The Department of Oregon Legion Family greatly appreciated the visit and spirited enthusiasm brought by National President Lisa Williamson. Safe travels!