Memorial dedication in France for B-17 crew

Out of the nine crew members, only one survived. He was captured immediately and spent the remainder of the war in Stalag Luft IV. Five of the crew members are buried in the Normandy American Cemetery.

Spare Charlie crew:
Sam Peak - Dallas Fort Worth, Texas
Bob Petroski - Detroit, Mich.
Allen Osterberg - Escanaba, Mich.
Jack Lundberg - Val Verda, Utah
Murl Simmons - Gouverneur, N.Y.
Frank Welke - Hempstead, N.Y.
Robert Scharff - Bronx, N.Y.
Max Rockey - Springport, Mich.
(POW) Richard Oberlin - West Unity, Ohio

This memorial is the result of a partnership between an American researcher and a French local who always had an interest in the crew. Both Americans and the French raised money for the memorial. There will be over 50 family members of the crew attending and this will be the first time they have ever met. Stars and Stripes will be doing a story on the event.

This crew is very special, and I would highly recommend going online to read the letters written by the navigator, Jack Lundberg, who is buried in Normandy. President Bush has quoted him. I would like to include one section from the letter:

“I have always determined to show my appreciation to you by enabling you both to have more of the pleasures of life - but this war has prevented my doing so for the past three years. If you receive this letter, I shall be unable to fulfill my desires, for I have requested that this letter be forwarded only in the event I do not return.

You have had many times more your share of illness and deaths in the family — still you have continued to exemplify what true parents should. I am sorry to add to your grief — but at all times realize that my thoughts are of you constantly and that I feel that in some small way I am helping to bring this wasteful war to a conclusion.

We of the United States have something to fight for — never more fully have I realized that. There just is no other country with comparable wealth, advancement or standard of living. The USA is worth a sacrifice!"

This will be a very special and unique event. We would love for anyone who is interested to be able to attend the ceremony, which is why we are writing to The American Legion. We know that The Legion and its members would have interest in this event. In addition, it would not hurt for the local posts to know about the crew members from their areas and that they are being honored by the French.

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