SAN ANTONIO – (Dec. 17, 2024) – Lastadt Valdez of Lanier High School spoke at the general membership meeting of Fred Brock American Legion Post 828.
Valdez, who attended Texas Boys State at the University of Texas at Austin in June, spoke about his experience during the weeklong program.
He thanked his Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) instructor at Lanier for recommending him to apply.
District 20, Department of Texas sent more than 80 statesmen to Texas Boys State in 2024. It is a weeklong program where students become a part of the operation of their local, county and state government.
At Texas Boys State, participants are exposed to the rights and privileges along with duties and responsibilities of a franchised citizen.
Texas Boys State and Bluebonnet Girls State are among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for high school students within Texas and the nation.
(Photos by 1st Vice Commander Amanda Parham/Post 828)