In a heartwarming display of community spirit in honor of MLK Day, Delaware American Legion Family and volunteers sorted and packed 150 grocery bags with donated food items for the Veterans Food Pantry at Wilmington VA Medical Center in Elsmere. Lauren Lloyd from the Department of D.C., American Legion Auxiliary Eastern Division National VP, was among the volunteers who made a difference. Monetary donations from Ladies Auxiliary AmVets Post 2, American Legion Auxiliary Post 2 in Dover and American Legion Auxiliary Post 28 helped purchase vital items. The event wrapped up with a delicious pancake treat, courtesy of Candice Ruckle, Barbara McBride and other Auxiliary members.
Lauren Lloyd, Candice Ruckle, Barbara McBride, June Steele Jones, Lisa McCarley, Donna Rawley DiFrancis, Barbara Hamilton Kates, Deborah Guenther, Junior members Riley and Skyler Schmidt, Katie McGinn, Robin Airey, et al.