High school American Legion Baseball

Springfield, IL

I played American Legion Baseball for two different teams in the early 1990s. Back in my childhood there were many different leagues to play in, such as Sandy Koufax, Mickey Mantle, etc. My favorite memories are from Legion ball. It was a different feel back then to play for your local Legion team. More times than not the roster consisted of local town players. I ended up playing baseball at a high level and have played in some amazing stadiums and in front of great crowds. In some of those stadiums there was no energy. When playing Legion Baseball, it always seemed to bring local fans to games and they brought out the best in players to compete. My grandfather was a local and state commander and taught me about The American Legion at a young age. The people associated with the Legion and American Legion Baseball are memories I will always cherish. My favorite stadium to play in was Danville Stadium in Danville, Ill. The old-time feel was electric. There are many memories associated to playing American Legion Baseball that my family and I shared, and I would hope others have the same experiences.

American Legion Baseball fan
SAL charter member of Squadron 262, Waverly, Ill.
Adam Springer

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