Gavin James Terry, Eagle Scout. (Photo by Post 289)


The first Eagle Scout of CSM Gary W. Crisp Post 289: A landmark achievement in Scouting

Clarksville, TN

The journey to becoming an Eagle Scout is a rigorous and demanding one. It requires completing a series of merit badges, demonstrating leadership skills and leading a community service project that benefits others. The Eagle Scout rank is the culmination of years of growth, with each step requiring Scouts to develop their skills, character and values.
For Troop 289, the honor of producing the first Eagle Scout was a long-awaited achievement. The troop’s leadership, comprising dedicated Scoutmasters and volunteers, had worked tirelessly to provide the support and guidance their Scouts needed to succeed. It was the hard work of the Scout and his leaders that led to this historic achievement.
The first Eagle Scout of Troop 289 is an individual who demonstrated an exceptional level of commitment and dedication. Not only did he complete the rigorous requirements of the rank, but he also completed a remarkable service project that had a lasting impact on the local community.
A significant part of the Eagle Scout rank is the completion of a service project. This project must be planned, organized and executed by the Scout, to make a meaningful contribution to the community. For Troop 289’s first Eagle Scout, “Gavin” Terry. his project focused on restoring a local cemetery - the Mount Olive Cemetery Historical Site beautification project, with the help of Troop 289, Sons of The American Legion Squadron 289. Team Red White and Blue, the local JROTC, the Women's Veterans Association and the Wounded Warrior Project. The Mount Olive Cemetery is a historic black burial site The project not only showcased his leadership abilities but also his commitment to improving the community and making a positive difference in the lives of others. The total cost of Gavin’s Eagle Project was $10,337.55.
The success of this project helped to highlight the strong values Troop 289 aims to instill in its members - service to others, leadership and a sense of duty to one’s community. Troop 289 is chartered by CSM Gary W. Crisp American Legion Post 289 since 2018. It is part of the Cogioba District in the Middle Tennessee Council of Tennessee. The induction of the first Eagle Scout from Troop 289 was a moment of immense pride for the entire troop, as well as for the American Legion post membership itself. This achievement was not just a personal victory for the Scout but also a reflection of hard work.

Gavin Terry with American Legion Tennessee 6th District Commander Glen Baggett.
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