Whats the score?

I joined the Marine Corps in October of 1964. After we went through the initial shock of what was going on, we were sent to the Receiving Barracks waiting to fill up a Platoon. To keep us busy we were assigned meaningless chores like picking up cigarette butts that didn't exist, wiping dust from
bulkheads where there was no dust. You get the idea. It was a Sunday morning and I was assigned to deliver messages in the Admin Building. As I entered this one office no one was there and I noticed a Sunday newspaper on the desk. Being a Notre Dame fan, I figured I would read it to find out if the Irish had won on Saturday. Just as I opened the paper, who walks in but the DI. Damn did he go ballistic. For my effort to find out what the score was it cost me 100 push-ups. Later on in the season this same DI was proud to let us recruits know that USC had ended ND's undefeated season 20-17. A side light to this story was that Rocky Bleier, who went on to star at ND and then serve in Vietnam was a freshman at this time!

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