I would like to report that Brian Glynn (Squadron Commander SAL Squadron 166 Goose Creek SC/Vice Commander Zone 3 Detachment of South Carolina) Fred Kiley (Squadron Historian Squadron 166 Goose Creek SC/Sgt-at-Arms Detachment of SC) and Kenny Laplante (Squadron Vice Commander Squadron 166 Goose Creek SC) attended the 3rd Battallion 3rd Marines RVN reunion in Washington DC on August 3rd through the 8th this past month. Theuy volunteered to bartend in the hospitality suite for approximately 650 Marines and their families (1200 people). They placed "Tip Buckets" on the bars and collected approximately $4500.00. They immediately donated the funds with the addition of $250.00 from Squadron 166 Goose Creek SC back to the batallion for the 3rd Batallion 3rd Marine division memorial that will be erected at the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico VA. The selfless actions of these three Sons should not go unnoticed and the actions of the squadron to take care of our veterans should be reco
gnized also.
Brian M. Glynn - Squadron Commander SAL # 166/ Vice Commander Zone 3 Detachment of South Carolina