When the ravages of time and weather caused the WWI Memorial in Shrewsbury to deteriorate beyond repair, the tree veterans posts in town; Victor Quaranta Post 397 American Legion, Ray Stone Post 238 American Legion, and Charles Murphy Post 10278 Veterans of Foreign Wars banded together along with several interested citizens to form the World War One Building Committee. The goal is to raise the needed funds to build a new memorial.
To this end, veterans from all three posts recently manned a booth at the Shrewsbury Fall Festival to provide information to the public about the project and about the eight men from Shrewsbury who lost their lives in World War One.
It is hoped that the funds can be raised and the new monument built in time to have it dedicated on November 11th, 2011.
Photos of the memorial and of the artist's concept of the new one may be seen at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/group.php?gid=120912154629295