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The wartime veterans, family, and friends of Augusta American Legion Post 2 held a dinner in celebration of its 97 years of service to veterans, Children and Youth, Americanism and National Security.
The guest speaker was Department of Maine American Legion Adjutant, Paul L’Heureux, who presented Post Commander Patrick Eisenhart a copy of the Proclamation signed by Governor Le Page making March 15 American Legion Day.
March 15, the designated birthday of The American Legion, is the day in 1919 when the first American Legion caucus, held by members of the American Expeditionary Force, convened in Paris. Much as the birthday of the United States is celebrated on July 4 – for the day in 1776 when rebelling patriots declared the independence of the British colonies and the spirit of America was born – March 15 is the day on which the Legion came to life.
Since its inception, The American Legion has grown to be the largest veterans’ organization in the state of Maine and in the nation. Nationally there are 2.4 million members. In Maine, there are 18,000 war time veterans.
At the birthday dinner, Adjutant L’Heureux gave some highlights of the accomplishments of the American Legion which included being the moving force to get the G.I. Educational Bill approved by Congress and the founding of the Veterans’ Administration. The Adjutant urged post members to keep in the forefront the history and mission of the American Legion.
In 2012, the national organization reported among the many contribution of posts across the country as $4,621,177 in community services, $1,585,868 for VA hospitals, $1,993,951 in cash for Children and Youth activities, $3,144,734 for Boys State, $830,053 for Scholarships, $5,925,258 for Legion Baseball, and support for 2,097 Scouting units.
Post 2 Commander Eisenhart who also serves as the Department of Maine Public Relations Chair closed out the dinner by saying “We have 174 posts in this state of Maine who work tirelessly to carry out the proud history and tradition of service of The American Legion. I am proud to be associated with each and every one. We thank Governor Le Page for helping make our birthday celebration special.”