I am a member of the Williamson County,/Georgetown, Texas, Veterans Memorial Advisory Group. The memorial is located in Sun City/Georgetown. It consists of an 80 foot by 6 foot wall dedicated to all county veterans, plus a 16 foot by 6 foot wall of honor listing all 175 county residents who died in all wars back to the Spanish-American War. The grounds consist of over 12,000 bricks, of which about 4,000 are inscribed. In addition. there are 15 Italian pine trees behind the wall which are available for special remembrances, of which seven have been claimed and have a plaque affixed to the ground in front of the tree.
We have annual ceremonies every Memorial and Veterans Day, plus patriotic musical shows, and presentations every summer for grandchildren. We have had guest speakers including governors and senators from Texas, and a Congressman, plus various generals from Fort Hood, Texas. All in all, we think we have the finest local veterans memorial in the country.