When I was 17, my Dad signed for me to join the Army NG.
I have always admired his judgement in his only son, that really, really wanted to be a member of the Armed Forces. I remember him saying "we just finished the greatest war of all, and I truly believe there will be no more WARS". That was 1948 & 3 yrs later we were in Korea.
January of 1951, we were activated to full time duty, and sent to Ft Rucker, Ala. I, being the son of a Dakota farmer, knew that my dad was hurting for help at harvest time, therefore I requested a 30 day leave, to go home to help dad. That was, at the time, a whole years leave.
So came Christmas, all my unit went home, but I stayed on base. I did CQ in Bn hqs on Christmas Eve, and to this day, 65 years later, whenever I hear Bing Crosby signing "Ill be home for Christmas" I think of a lonely GI thinking of his family back "home".
I am sure this coming Christmas, there are many young men and women serving our country that will be hearing the same song and thinking my thoughts/
God, it's so nice to "be home for Christmas".