Basic training 1966 Fort Riley, Kansas, we were the first to occupy the barracks since the 50's so a major cleanup was due and of course in quick time!
I saw some mops hanging on the barracks next door so I ran over and took one. As I was heading back a Sergeant (Richards) stopped and asked me what I thought I was doing. I said borrowing a mop. Well on a hot July day he told me to take the mop back and tell it how sorry I was for "stealing it."
As I was telling the mop how sorry I was, he says the mop cannot hear you, tell it louder Private and with feeling while all the other Privates were looking out the windows.
A very hearty first experience of the Army,got a lot of laughs.
The mop felt my sorrow!
Sgt. E-5 Irwin Lowen