For the second year, members of Georgia Post 45 in Canton and Post 316 in Woodstock held a pancake breakfast with Santa for disabled veterans and homeless veterans with young children who they have helped during this past year. The Cherokee County Homeless Veteran program, headed by Jim Lindenmayer from Post 45 and Mike Satterly from Post 316, and supported by King's Academy JRTOC, served the 110 attendees at a sit-down pancake breakfast while Santa entertained the children. This is becoming an annual event for the county's veterans with families in need. We had families from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Desert Storm and Afghanistan in attendance for the event who had either experienced homelessness in the past year that we had helped through the SSVF program or through other local programs, commented Jim, who is the CCHVP program director and a former Army officer. We still have one family to place into a home before Christmas that attended, but we found out during the event that they have been accepted into a local apartment through the SSVF program. We also had a number of the attendees who are more than 50 percent service-connected disabled with small children, to include an Marine veteran from the Iraq era who was medically retired due to combat injuries and has eight small children, added Mike, who is the program deputy and a Vietnam veteran.