My Navy education started on the first day of boot camp at NAS Memphis.
We were told to wash our whites and hang them outside to dry. I pointed out that it was freezing outside and nothing will dry.
The Company Commander's response was an extremely profane "The right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way."
I quickly learned to shut up.
All things considered our company had a lot of fun at boot camp. We actually liked marching. And, for swabbies, did it well. We also learned the manual of arms in record time and got really good at it. As the junior company at graduation we went through the manual of arms and it sounded like "click, click, slap, click." Then the graduating, senior, company did the manual of arms and it was crunch, crunch, splatter, crunch. Our company commander had a big smile that day.
Overall my entire time in the Navy was a fantastic learning experience and I recommend it to everyone.