James Vermont Carson "Monty" Montgomery enlisted in the Army in January 1949, and in November 1950 at Inchon he was shot above both knees and knocked off his tank; he called it "crapped out." He belly crawled between the tracks of the tank for safety but continued to fire his 30 cal. "burp gun" as he called it, and eventually was pulled to safety. He became the recipient of a Purple Heart. But not only was he a veteran of the Forgotten War, he was my hero and one of the best dang mechanics from Oklahoma to California. At one time he lived with J. Paul Getty until he could get his service station up and running in the Fresno, Calif., area.
But in February 2002 after going halfway around the world to fight for our freedom, and many years of turning wrenches, pounding the pavement, hard work and bad legs, cancer took not only my Korean veteran, my hero, but my dad.
Brad Montgomery
S.A.L Post 182