Flag Disposal

On Sunday, August 11, 2024, the 4th Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony was held at Scoutland. We thought it would be a good idea to get Legion members and the Scout Troop together for this meaningful event. Anderson Thomson Post 98 in Cumberland has chartered this troop since 1924, making this our 100th year.

This year we disposed of 950 flags, most which are from the nine cemeteries in our area. There are some flags from private homes, public buildings and coffin flags.

This year we were honored to have Scouts Riley Muench and Harrison Ruppel start the flag disposal ceremony with the retirement of Irv Talbot’s funeral flag. This was a 48 star flag. Irv served as Commander of the Anderson Thomson Post 98 in Cumberland from 1944-1945.

Legion Honor Guard Commander Mike Nolan, and other members of the Honor Guard were on hand as well representing the Legion Honor Guard. We retire these flags respectfully by burning them. They Boy and Girl Scouts from Troop 24 dispose the flags. Afterward, the scouts get a chance to meet the Legion Honor Guard and fire blanks from their m-1 rifles.
Our Legion Commander, Dennis Free, said this is the best flag disposal that he has attended. If you have flag to dispose of, you can drop it off at the Legion in Cumberland or at the Veterans Service Office in Barron.
Mark Mauer
Anderson Thomson Post 98

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