Delegates to this year’s Buckeye Boys State and Buckeye Girls State retreats selected by American Legion Young-Budd Post 171 of Westerville were honored at the Westerville Board of Education meeting on Monday, Sept. 11. Several delegates and their families, and post coordinator Glen Golden, were in attendance, where they received Certificates of Commendation by the board.
The goals of the Buckeye Boys and Buckeye Girls State programs are the following:
(1) To develop leadership and pride in American citizens
(2) To educate delegates about our system of government
(3) To instill in delegates a greater understanding of American tradition
(4) To stimulate a desire to maintain our government process
While there, these delegate citizens participate in highly-structured, intense "hands on" workshops on Ohio state, county, city and other municipal governments. Mythical states, towns, counties and local governments are formed. Elections are held to fill city, county and state positions. Activities include government workshops, legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating and voting. The citizens also receive instruction in parliamentary procedure. These programs afford participants an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens. They are taught the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship and hopefully participate in the democratic process as they progress into adulthood. Additional activities include: journalism, law enforcement, music, field trips, group devotions and patriotic ceremonies.