Department Of Connecticut Commander Tom Flowers and National Vice Commander (NVC) Paul Spedaliere invited Buck-Dubiel Post 101, along with the entire American Legion Department of Connecticut, to join them in attending the State of Connecticut's recognition of The American Legion's centennial.
On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, representatives from Post 101 along with our fellow department Legionnaires were honored that the State of Connecticut General Assembly presented two citations -- one to the department and one to American Legion National Headquarters -- recognizing the 100th birthday of the Legion.
The presentation was held at the Connecticut State Capitol, 210 Capitol Ave., Hartford, in the House Chambers on the second floor at 11:30 a.m. Presenting the citations was Committee on Veterans Affairs Co-Chair Dorinda Borer and ranking committee member Kurt Vail. It was such an honor to be invited to the ceremony and to have such a warm welcome from the General Assembly.