John Edward (Jack) Connors, from Townsend, Montana was the first man in Broadwater County, Montana to enlist in WWI . Enlisting in August 1917, he served through the end of the war in the Allied Expeditionary force in France, a member of the 4th Engineers, Company F in the 4th Division. He had seen action in the Battle of St Miheil and in the drive through the Argonne and the Aisne-Marne campaign. Jack served from approx Sept 1917 to 1919. He had many times been the Commander of Broadwater Post No.42 of the American Legion.
John E. Connors was born in 1894 in Butte, Montana and died in 1940 in Townsend, Montana
This article submitted my Michael Connors, nephew of John Edward Connors.