Dwayne Maxifield Patterson
C Company, 2nd BN, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division
Nov. 20, 1941, to Dec. 3, 1967
Home of Record: Calipatria, Calif.
Dwayne was born Nov. 20, 1941 in Elk City, Okla. Dwayne attended Oney, Okla., High School and Calipatria High School, and played baseball for Calipatria.
After high school Dwayne worked for Imperial Pre-Mix in El Centro, Calif. Dwayne married Donna Siris of Calipatria on Dec. 14, 1963. While employed at Imperial Pre-Mix, Dwyane was drafted in September 1965. After basic training he was transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas. SPEC4 Patterson was adjudged the “Outstanding Trainee” in combat jungle warfare at Fort Polk, La.
SPEC4 Patterson was then transferred to Fort Knox, Ky., to learn how to drive an Armed Personnel Carrier (APC), Dwyane was runner-up for the top honors as APC driver.
SPEC4 Patterson was transferred to Vietnam on March 26, 1967. SPEC4 Patterson was assigned to the “Big Red 1 Division.” Soon after his arrival SPEC4 Patterson was driving an APC when his vehicle hit a land mine. He was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries sustained. SPEC4 Patterson recovered from his injuries.
SPEC4 Patterson was on a night defensive perimeter patrol on Dec. 3, 1967, when his unit was ambushed by the enemy. SPEC4 Patterson was assisting in evacuating wounded personnel when he sustained his fatal injury.
SPEC4 Patterson was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action, Bronze Star for Outstanding Meritorious Service and exemplary professionalism against the enemy, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Republic of Vietnam Medal, National Defense Service Medal; he wore the 1st Infantry Badge; Army Vietnam Class A Patch; 2nd Infantry Regiment Patch and Combat Infantryman Badge.
SPEC4 Patterson is survived by his widow Ms. Donna Davis of Prosper, Texas, brothers Charles of Blythe, Calif., Billy of Sun City, Ariz., and sister Darla Williams of Glendale, Ariz.