It was an idea talked about over the years, but it was finally time to do something. The Stoughton Veterans Memorial Park became a cooperative project between Stoughton’s American Legion Post 59 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 328. Together, these organizations formed an 11-member steering committee including veterans and community members.
This team of volunteers directed the project from start to finish. Five years later, the Veterans Memorial was completed and opened to the public.
The committee visited veterans memorials in Wisconsin and neighboring states to determine design objectives. After careful evaluation, the committee selected Pechmann Memorials as the artisan and builder of Stoughton’s memorial.
With feedback from veterans and the community, the design for the Stoughton Veterans Memorial was continuously developed and refined. Finally the building of the monument began, along with fundraising for a proposed $1 million.
Along with our veterans, many community groups, businesses, foundations, Stoughton-area individuals and other Wisconsin residents contributed to the memorial.
The steering committee expresses deep gratitude to all who helped make the Stoughton Veterans Memorial a reality.