CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. — Clarksville's Sykes Funeral Home & Crematory has its own veterans museum. They also have hosted American Legion CSM Gary W. Crisp Post 289 and American Legion Auxiliary Unit 289 since the virus started and the post was put out of the school they were meeting at.. Sykes also hosts Legion Boy Scout Troop 289 and Cub Scout Pack 510 in their parlors.
The Tennessee Veterans Museum, at the funeral home at 424 Franklin St., showcases memorabilia and highlights veterans from Tennessee and Kentucky. Several members of Post 289 have donated items to the museum also. Stewart Sykes, a member of Post 289 and owner of the funeral home, said of the memorabilia displayed at the funeral home's veterans museum. they "had created this museum to honor and celebrate veterans throughout Montgomery County, Tennessee and beyond."
One of the veterans the museum will highlight is Sgt. Alvin York, from Tennessee. York was a highly decorated World War I veteran who went on to receive the Medal of Honor.
The museum has been open for a few months now and is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m for free.