I have been a Northeastern Unit 459 Poppy Chair & supporter for several years. My sister, Chris, knew this and one day sent me a email titled, Look Who's Wearing a Poppy?" It was a picture of Angelina Jolie (with Brad Pitt) wearing a poppy on her coat.
Upon further examination, I realized it wasn't an American Legion Poppy. I discovered it was a Royal British Legion Poppy.
I was amazed. England has Legions & poppies! I contacted the RBL and requested some of their poppies and I would send some of ours. They sent my some, even in different sizes.
I surfed the net and found more poppies in Scotland, New Zealand, and Canada. (Canada even has a Poppy quarters)! I continued to exchange poppies with other countries and wondered what I should do with them. Plus I collected the Veterans of Foreign Wars Poppy and the Disabled American Veterans, Forget-Me_Not!
I decided to take pictures of them and make a Poppy Museum, a virtual museum. I contacted a SAL member who was computer saavy and he helped create the American Legion Auxiliary Northeastern Post Unit 459 Poppy Museum. This original museum was created in August 2009 and included in our Post website north-eastern459.org. It shows the various poppies and ALA Poppy Posters, Poppy Contest arrangements, etc.
Then came Facebook! I created the American Legion Auxiliary Northeastern Post-Unit 459 Poppy Museum. It contains much of the same. Difference is this FB museum has "friends" and continually shares messages about why "We Remember!"