By: Jay Conti Sr.; American Legion 4th District Vice Commander.
On Saturday, March 13, 2010, American Legion Post #155 was host to The American Legion, Department of Florida Commander Phil Hearlson and the other 18 Posts in the 4th District of the Department of Florida. A very large captive audience of well over 100 Legionnaires from across Florida came to Crystal River and celebrated The American Legion's 91st Birthday.
Department of Florida, 4th District Vice Commander Jay Conti Sr. delivered the Ceremony speech for the Birthday, he stated "The American Legion" is the same as it was in 1919. Our organization was established on 4-Pillars and we remain true to those pillars today. One, we take care of our Veterans; Two, We take Care of our Kids; Three Our Americanism Programs just can't be matched and four, we are for a Strong National Defense".
He stated that "Legionnaires don't say "Mission Accomplished", we say "Still Serving." Because that is what The American Legion does. It is who we are. The Spirit of the Legion is much the same as it was in 1919. We serve those who served and we serve America. He closed his speech by thanking his comrades, for what they do for our veterans, for God and for Country".
After the Ceremony, the 4th District Vice Commanders Jay Conti Sr. and Commander Jerry Montgomery cut the cake with the visiting Commander of The Department of Florida Phil Hearlson. A very nice BBQ Dinner was awaiting all guests which included the Department of Florida Vice Commander Al Porter, The Son's of The American Legion Detachment of Florida Commander Mike Dooley and many other officers and Chairman from the Department of Florida. For more information on this and other American Legion Family programs please contact American Legion Post #155 Post 1st Vice Commander Jay Conti Sr. at 352-795-6526 or 352-344-4122 or visit us on the web at