As a Navy nurse serving at the Naval Hospital in San Diego from September 1968 to May 1970, it was my job to care for neurological patients who had been serving in Vietnam. With so many patients to care for, it was difficult to remember many of them. However, one stands out in my memory. He was a soldier who had a non-operable brain tumor. Confined to a wheelchair, and being, at times, not lucid of his surroundings, as well as believing he was still fighting in Vietnam, I unknowingly approached him too close and startled him. He took a swing at me, hitting me in the stomach; however, after comforting him, I eventually persuaded him into taking his medication. I continued caring for and comforting him until his death a few weeks later. Soon after his death, I received a written note of thanks from his family for the 'many special nice things you did to add to Ray's comfort.' After caring for hundreds of patients over that span of time, that was the only written note of thanks I ever received and it was very much appreciated; this being from the parents of the only patient who ever struck me.
Lieutenant Sherry (Stibal) Dunbar
Member, American Legion Post 67, Salmon, Idaho