A Soldier At the Wall
Jean Meyer
You can't imagine what I felt as I looked down at the names
The memories of a time long ago yet everything's the same.
I hear the roar of thundering guns and feel the ground beneath me quake
As hundreds of men come marching by my whole body starts to shake.
I left so many buddies behind I couldn't save them all
Just kneeling here staring and the silent tears fall.
Now so many years later I see every detail in my mind
I tried to get to each one but so many I couldn't find.
Smoke and dust and jungle brush clouds of orange up above
Breathing hard or not at all, it came to push and shove.
As we did what our country ask no matter what the cost
A number of men that were injured and even more were lost
I am still that soldier of long ago as I kneel before the wall
In silent prayer I hear them and I cry for one and all.