I served onboard USS O'Brien. After the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists, we were the first ship to launch tomahawk missiles against Afghanistan terrorists. Some of us New Yorkers were devastated about what we witnessed happening live, all the while maintaining our composure to stay sharp. My mom worked at the New York Stock Exchange on 9/11 and ran for her life along with other New Yorkers toward the Staten Island Ferry. All the while, I was halfway around the world, forward deployed on a warship helping to maintain peace and stability.
In December of that year, I was asked to ring the New York Stock Exchange opening bell. As a New Yorker, and former alum of the High School of Economics and Finance in New York City, it was comforting to know that I represented this country in times of great distress. That this country’s first responders and military are always on patrol.
God bless our troops, our veterans and our first responders.
If you want to watch me ring the Stock Exchange opening bell, I have uploaded the video on YouTube.
Shout out to Comseventh Fleet the Best! And Shout out to the US Navy! Also Shout out to New York City, New Jersey and all my peoples. Also Shout out to the Wutang! Staten Island! And Sayreville! Big Love. Big Love.