On Jan. 7, 2025, American Legion Post 67 from Rincon, Puerto Rico, met with Tito y Sus Amigos Corporation to deliver donations and spend the morning making new friends. Tito y Sus Amigos Corp. is a nonprofit corporation that offers housing specialized for young people with Down syndrome. They are currently the first home in Puerto Rico to offer this service for this community. Their mission is to provide safe housing, emphasizing the personal, family and social well-being of each young person. Their main focus is to develop the maximum level of independence in each of the young people.
In the long term, the Tito y Sus Amigos Corporation has the vision of being able to expand to other people to continue positively impacting the largest number of the Down syndrome population possible. Rosa M. Maldonado welcomed Post 67's generosity to integrate our services into their project. Donations were well received, with the satisfaction of seeing the dream and longing of all their children come true.