On Sept. 8, Highwood Post 150 of Hamden, Conn., took time to visit and honor one of its longest-serving members. Pasquale Borelli has been a Legionnaire for 67 years, and currently lives at the Skyview Center in Wallingford, Conn.
Borelli was born on Jan. 22, 1910, and inducted into service in September 1943, at the height of World War II. He was serving as a medical aidman during the Normandy invasion in June 1944 - and suddenly, on the beach, came across his own wounded younger brother!
Post 150 members and former Connecticut department Commander Bob Murray were present to participate in proclamations from Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson and Past American Legion National Commander Daniel Dellinger.
Read more about the ceremony for Borelli, from the New Haven Register, here: http://www.nhregister.com/general-news/20140908/american-legion-honors-1...
Photo courtesy of Sue Brooks, Skyview Center.