Bound Brook, N.J., March 10, 2016: Members of Giles Biondi American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit 63 hosted a Bingo ward party celebrating the 97th birthday of The American Legion at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Lyons, N.J. Unit 63 Auxiliary President Leila Newell, and unit members Carole Auletta and Judy Wilson, shared party refreshments and pleasant conversation with veterans who are patients at the hospital.
“We have this party every year. It is our mission to help our veterans as much as we can,” said Newell. “We make it a special time especially for the Legion birthday. We always invite the post to help out and usually the county post does it, but this year we decided to host it.”
The guests enjoyed several games of Bingo with prizes for the winners. A ward party, as it is called, is a party given in a specific ward assigned to the Auxiliary unit. The volunteers assist the patients in playing Bingo. Then refreshments are served: pizza, punch, fruits and a birthday sheet cake. The Auxiliary also distributed gift items such as canteen vouchers and socks.
“It feels good to be able to do something for the people that gave so much for us, especially the ones we are seeing tonight who have suffered a lot of effects from what they have done in honor of this country,” said Auletta. “They love us when we come in and do this for them. They really do. They always thank us so many times."
"I know when the Legionnaires talk with them they love it, but they also like to talk to us," Newell said.
Also helping out at the party were American Legion Post 63 Board of Trustees Chairman Ben Auletta Sr.; Quartermaster/Treasurer Alfred Wilson, who is also vice commander of the Department of New Jersey; and Robert Newell, Somerset County adjutant and Post 63 1st vice commander.
The American Legion was established in 1919, when members of the U.S. Expeditionary Forces, serving in World War I, met in Paris and created the Legion. The Bound Brook post was created later in the same year, and it is believed that a Post 63 member was present in Paris during the creation. The purpose of the Legion is to provide assistance to fellow veterans and their families, and to continue their service to our country and local community through a variety of programs.
Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is limited to the grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, and female descendants of members of The American Legion or those female descendants of those who died in the line of duty during service, or who, having received an Honorable Discharge, died after service. Also Membership eligibility in the American Legion is based on honorable service within the U.S. armed forces during wartime.
For information about the American Legion or Legion Auxiliary in Bound Brook contact Commander Hal Dietrich at 732-369-3741 or