Special Project For a Small Town Ohioan
Just remembering back around June 23, 1950. The Korean War broke out at that time. I knew that I would be in that war. Two friends of mine talked to me about the war and they talked me into enlisting in the US Air Force.
I always loved air craft so I felt very comfortable with my decision. Being an Ohioan, working with air craft seemed like a good fit since Ohio is the birthplace of aviation.
I served four years in the Air Force, with two years and four months of that time overseas in the Korean conflict. When the Armistice was signed, all planes needed to have all guns removed before flying into the DMZ
(De-militarized Zone). General Weyland came to me at that time and asked me if I could draw up plans to take the place of the weapons in the aircraft. I told the General that I could draw up plans. The project needed to be completed as soon as possible. I completed the plans and sent them to General Weyland for his approval. The plans were approved and the parts were manufactured. The parts were sent to my unit and we installed them in the F-86 and F-84 Fighter Aircraft, which were the designated aircraft to fly in the DMZ. This plan fits all aircraft with 50 caliber Browning machine guns.
S/Sgt Carl Maag
Ottawa, Ohio