Bridging the gap, fostering understanding, communication and compassion, Somers, Conn., emulates the place many of us here in this country would yearn to live. Civilian and military cultures here are strongly bonded and veterans here in Somers feel loved and valued. The mindfulness of the community as to the differences in culture, yet at the same time the commonalities, tugs at the heart.
Buck Dubiel Post 101, Somers High School, Mabelle B. Avery Middle School, the Somers Cub and the Boy Scouts are holding various ceremonies in our town as follows:
American Legion Buck-Dubiel Post 101, partnering with the Somers Cub and Boy Scouts, is honored to host 2018 Veterans Day remembrance ceremonies in our Somers community on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018, beginning at 11 a.m. with a short service and ceremonial firing squad at North Cemetery.
Each service lasts approximately 10 minutes with a short speech by Commander David McCaffrey, Somers Post 101, a benediction by the Post 101 chaplain, followed by a 21-gun salute and the sounding of Taps.
Service continues in the order identified herein with visits to Somers Center Cemetery, KIA Memorial Honor Roll, War Memorial at Somers Town Hall, Somers West Cemetery, Newsome Memorial at Somers High School, and the Somersville War Memorial.
When: Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
* North Cemetery: Corner of Springfield and Stebbins Roads, Somers
* Center Cemetery: 81 Battle Street, Somers
* KIA Memorial Honor Roll: 11 Battle Street, Somers
* Somers War Memorial: Somers Town Hall, 600 Main St., Somers
* West Cemetery: 452 Main St, Somers
* Newsome War Memorial: Somers High School, 5 Vision Blvd., Somers
* Somersville War Memorial: Corner of Main and School Streets, Somers
Somers High School (SHS) Veterans Day Celebration from 9:30 - 11:05 a.m. SHS opened their school to all veterans and planned a first-rate ceremony to include a dedication, welcome by staff, chorus anthems, recognition of various eras of veterans, honors choir, a photo montage of Post 101 veterans, a tribute to a veteran volunteer who passed away last month, the SHS band playing "God Bless America," etc., a Post 101 panel of 10 veterans who will give 3-minute pitches on their service/military experiences (David McCaffrey, Timothy Keeney, Kristen Butler, Noah Cass, Michael Craddy, Ronald Collyer, Albert Kingsbury, James Rockett & Daniel Rockett), a question-and-answer period, and concluding with an outside memorial with color guard, honor guard, speech by McCaffrey, prayer by Chaplain & VCDR Richard Szoka, and a 21-gun salute led by Sergeant-at-Arms Lee Hareld.
Mabelle B. Avery (MBA) Middle School Veterans Day Celebration from 1:45 – 2:20 p.m.
MBA Rocks! Our middle school invited us to a champion ceremony which includes the national anthem, opening remarks by the principals, a Veterans Day speech by McCaffrey, a Veterans Day Salute video, an interactive “Get to Know Military Culture” by USN veteran Sherri Marquis and interactive Take a Veteran to School Day – 3 minute pitches by a panel of 5 veterans about their military career/experiences (David Allen, Paul Martinello, Everett Morrill, Larry Skodis and William Yorns), followed by a question and answer period, the 8th grade chorus and band and closing remarks.
Our community is blessed to have such nurturing, caring citizens. Come visit us in Somers and experience the love!