Royse City Unit 100 is one of the newest units in Texas having been founded on Feb. 23, 2018. But that hasn't stopped this group of women from making their mark in the community. The unit has been very active in sending care packages to local servicemembers and being involved in the community festivals. This year the unit held a Veterans Day Art Contest for 3rd graders in their local schools. And the contest was a tremendous success. The art contest had participants from 4 local elementary schools and they received over 210 pieces of artwork. In fact, the schools used the opportunity to promote the sacrifices of veterans by showing movies to the students before the boys and girls did their art. Through sponsorships from Shenaniganz and Walmart, the unit was able to provide over $1,500 in prizes to the participants.
"It's always interesting to see the kids' artwork. We saw alien ships being shot down by tanks, eagles and flags, and we even had someone turn in a drawing of a flag-draped coffin." said President Jessica Masters. "We want to teach the kids at a young age that our veterans and military sacrifice so much for our freedoms. The art contest can do it in a way that they have fun while doing it. We get as much enjoyment out of it as the kids do."
The winner of this year's contest was Jake Lowe. He received a birthday party for eight that includes bowling, lazer tag, pizza, soda and more. The value of the prize was over $500. He drew a picture of an eagle, some soldiers and the Statue of Liberty.
Overall the contest was a tremendous success and it promoted Americanism to the 3rd graders who participated in the contest. But more importantly, these kids will remember when they participated in the art contest held by the American Legion Auxiliary. Whether they join the military or not, they will remember this experience and can share it with their kids.