by Jennifer Dalrymple, Post 42 commander/MT Legionnaire editor
On Friday, March 20, I received an email from our Auxiliary District 6 President Karen Susag with a message from her son, Craig, about donations from Harbor Freight. The national chain was donating face masks, gloves and aprons to hospitals that were eligible and in need of these supplies. My spouse, who works at the local Billings Clinic-Broadwater in Townsend, contacted the clinic supply manager who went to the link right away and filled out the necessary paperwork. Literally, within 30 minutes she received and relayed the certified acceptance letter back to my spouse so that we could drive the 100 miles round-trip to Helena and pick up the two pallets the letter said would be ready. When we arrived at Harbor Freight, the gracious staff had only one pallet and no more supplies for a second, but said we could return Monday for the other pallet after their supply truck arrived on Sunday. We were very thankful to receive 10 boxes (a 4x4x4 pallet full) of what they had on hand and returned Monday to receive TWO more full pallets donated by their national headquarters.
A HUGE thank-you to Harbor Freight for your generous donation of very necessary supplies and for all those involved who helped our small local hospital staff be safer through this pandemic!