Post 24, Alexandria, Va.:
Our post held its annual 9/11 observance during our regularly scheduled general membership meeting on Sept. 8. About 30 Legionnaires and Auxiliary members were in attendance. Although the ceremony was in tribute to all the 9/11 victims from New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, the focus was on the DoD employees killed when Flight 77 struck the western face of the Pentagon. Several of our post members were on active duty and assigned to the Pentagon when the attack occurred.
The program included a reading of the 125 DoD victims at the Pentagon. A bell was chimed periodically as the names of the servicemembers and civilians were read. The readings of names were followed by taps. The program included an opening prayer; remarks by eyewitnesses to the Pentagon attack, and closed with the attendees singing "God Bless America."
Henry Dorton, Post 24 commander