In June 2021, the Department of California adopted Resolution 2021-005 which originated from ( Manuel L. Quezon Post 603.
In October 2021, the National Executive Committee adopted “Resolution No. 9 (California) 2021 National Convention" (copied below).
An article on page 10 of the national magazine’s January 2022 issue states “That The American Legion request that the Secretary of the Navy name the next guided missile destroyer the USS Telesforo Trinidad in honor of this World War I and World War II veteran and Medal of Honor recipient.
Thank you, fellow Legionnaires around the world, for supporting the naming of a U.S. Navy ship after Telesforo Trinidad. For more information, please visit
October 6-7, 2021 Indianapolis, Indiana
Resolution No. 9: USS Telesforo Trinidad
Origin: Resolution No. 9 (CA) 2021 National Convention
Submitted by: Internal Affairs Commission
WHEREAS, The American Legion is an organization of war veterans who have dedicated themselves to the service of their community, state and nation; and
WHEREAS, It is a privilege and duty to honor comrades, and those who sacrificed, in order that we may all enjoy, develop and perpetuate in peace, the fruits of victory which had been won by war; and
WHEREAS, The American Legion has always supported recognizing the service and sacrifice of heroes and Medal of Honor recipients; and
WHEREAS, The United States Navy names U.S. Navy ships that include Medal of Honor recipients and that the secretary of the Navy is the authority responsible for the naming of U.S. Navy Ships; and
WHEREAS, Fireman Second Class Petty Officer Telesforo de la Cruz Trinidad was awarded the United States Medal of Honor for his extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty in saving the lives of his fellow shipmates aboard USS San Diego (ACR-6) in the Gulf of California on January 21, 1915; and
WHEREAS, Second Class Petty Officer Trinidad is the only U.S. Navy sailor of Asian American descent and the first Filipino American to receive the United States Medal of Honor for heroism from service in the United States Navy; and
WHEREAS, To date, there is no ship in the U.S. Navy that is named after a member of the U.S. Armed Forces of Filipino American descent...