Pictured from left to right: • Danny Rodriguez, Commander, VFW Frederick • Joe Lysaght, Alternate Vice Commander, American Legion Arlington • Gary Ginsburg, National Commander, Jewish War Veterans • Mario Marquez, Executive Director of Government Affairs, American Legion • Gary Leach, National Vice Commander, American Legion • Hon. Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs • Horace Johnson, National Commander, AMVETS • Johnny Merino, Commander, Cheverly Post 108 • Jacob Karlsson, Vice Commander, Francis Scott Key Post 11


Veterans Day at the White House: A moment of honor and gratitude

Washington , DC

Washington, DC – On Veterans Day (Nov. 11, 2024), I had the distinct privilege, on behalf of the American Legion Department of Maryland, to attend the White House breakfast hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. This event, filled with warmth, camaraderie and a deep sense of gratitude, was a fitting tribute to the sacrifices and service of our nation’s veterans.
The East Wing of the White House buzzed with energy as veterans from diverse backgrounds gathered to share stories and connect. The atmosphere was electric, reflecting the profound respect and admiration we owe to those who have served our country.
The breakfast itself was a delightful affair, featuring delicious food and engaging conversation. It was an honor to be in the company of such remarkable individuals who have dedicated their lives to protecting our freedoms.
President Biden delivered a heartfelt speech, emphasizing the importance of honoring our veterans and supporting their families. His words resonated deeply with everyone in attendance, underscoring the enduring impact of veterans on our society.
As I reflect on this unforgettable experience, I am filled with a full tank of Americanism, patriotism and appreciation for the sacrifices made by our veterans. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this special event and to have shared in the camaraderie of fellow veterans, alongside executive leadership from the American Legion and other prominent leaders from veterans organizations around the nation and the world.

For God and Country,
Jacob Karlsson, second vice commander/historian, FSK Post 11, Frederick, Md.

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