As we rapidly approach July 4, we should reflect on what we are celebrating. To many, it is a long weekend to visit with friends and family, cook on the grill and enjoy the sounds and sights of an aerial display of colorful fireworks.
What we are celebrating is the signing of the Declaration of Independence from the oppressive rule of King George III of England. We often forget what oppressions and injustices our forefathers endured. They were heavily taxed on virtually all their goods, and they were mandated as to what religion they were allowed to practice. The Church of England was the only approved religion at that time. Coupled with many other wrongs, including the British government’s seizures of their arms and ammunition, culminated into the Revolutionary War.
See the following sources for further reading: Kopel, Dave. “The American Revolution against British Gun Control.” Administrative and Regulatory Law News (American Bar Association) vol. 37 no.4, summer 2012. Accessed 10 Jul 2019.
The fireworks we enjoy are representative of the battles fought (“the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air”), the sacrifices that were made and the lives that were lost, so we can enjoy our freedoms. So, the next time you are sitting in your lawn chair, on a blanket or in your living room enjoying TV and watching the fireworks display, try to envision yourself in the midst of a life-or-death battle as our forefathers were. It will give you a renewed respect for the meaning of the Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day.
We need to be ever vigilant to protect our rights the Constitution was meant to protect. Take note that this document does not “give” us any rights, but protects our God-given rights from an oppressive, overreaching government.
Kent Elhoffer
Past Commander, American Legion Post 34
Scotland Neck, N.C.