On Nov. 19, 2022, Stoughton (Mass.) American Legion Post 89 sponsored a Toys for Tots night at our post. Many sponsors in the community contributed to the night being a rousing success. Admission to the event was to simply bring a new unwrapped toy. With two bands and dinner and dessert being provided, the post collected over 327 toys at the event, and they are still coming in. Approximately 400 people passed through our doors along with a contingent of six United States Marine Corps reservists. This was the 75th anniversary of the Toys for Tots and we were honored to be part of this program.
Below is the 75th anniversary cake, provided by a local bakery. This was a great community event that highlighted what our post is all about - not only serving our veterans and their families, but also our community at large. A special thanks to Post Senior Vice Commander Thomas McGauley for doing the groundwork for the event.
(Seated: Junior Vice Commander Bernard Planeta, and McGauley)