On Saturday, Sept. 9, 2023, members of Lincoln (Neb.) American Legion Riders Chapter 3, sponsored by Lincoln Post 3, held their annual poker run fundraiser. More than 80 motorcyclists and passengers from eastern Nebraska played about 140 poker hands in support of the poker run. Starting with registration and first card draw at Frontier Harley-Davidson in Lincoln, participants made stops and drew cards in Ashland, Wahoo and Valparaiso, before reaching the final destination at Denton American Legion Post 355 for the final card draw and award presentations. Thanks to donations throughout the year, the chapter was able to raffle about 30 items to participants. There were also about a dozen items available by silent auction, including two motorcycle helmets and a pair of Harley-Davidson boots.
Due to generous donations from a local company and a couple of individuals, the prize money of $500 for high hand, $300 for second high hand and $100 for low hand, was completely covered (and then some). Thus, all funds from the purchase of the poker hands, raffle and auction were able to go directly to the chapter's chosen charities.
This year's charities were the JAVELAN Service Dog project and Patriotic Productions. The JAVELAN program provides funding for service dogs for military veterans and retired first responders in eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Patriotic Productions has provided funding for many Honor Flights for Nebraska veterans, and currently has a traveling 1/2 replica of the Tomb of the Unknowns and a traveling photographic war memorial that honors our military fallen from the global war on terror.
The charities will share the over $2,600 raised during the poker run.