For the fifth year in a row, Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 105 of Belleville, New Jersey, made a donation to the Fisher House Foundation. This the largest yet with a $3,500 donation. A portion of the donation was presented in person at the Fisher House at James J. Peters VA Medical Center in the Bronx, which is the closest location to the squadron’s home post.
The proceeds funding the donation come from an annual raffle held by the Squadron, which starts in November and ends in February. That raffle, plus a donation from the squadron’s own funds, brings the total raised for the Fisher House Foundation by “the 105” since 2019 to over $10,000.
This all started with a $500 donation five years ago, at a time when the squadron was rebuilding.
“… it is always our number one charity, and always will be,” stated SAL 105 Commander Steve Sangemino, “…we build it bigger and better every year.”
Fisher House builds comfort homes where military and veterans' families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. These homes are located at military and VA medical centers around the world. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room and an inviting living room. These facilities are actually built on VA property and are available to the veteran and their family for as long as they are getting care, at no cost – so their stay can range from a few days, to weeks, to months.
“The families can focus on their loved one’s care, and the veterans have their family by their side during this time of need and assistance,” noted Bronx Fisher House Assistant Manager Michael Vahoviak. “After all, a family’s love is the best medicine.”
This year, the Sons of Belleville voted to donate $2,500 to the national foundation, to “the area of greatest need,” and $1,000 directly to the Bronx Fisher House. To show the SAL members what they are raising money for, the squadron took a field trip for the first time last year across the Hudson to make the donation in person and tour the facility. This year, there was a mix of members who went last year and first-time visitors.
SAL member William Chivil, a first-time visitor, remarked that he “… was struck by how accommodating and well planned the residence was; clearly designed with both veterans and their families in mind... Everything to make our veterans feel right at home."