An afternoon of service and reflection for me on October 28th. at Jacksonville National Cemetery sounding Taps for a Military Honors funeral at 2pm for RMC Albert Worley, USN Ret. Stayed afterward for a second service for William “Bill” Hathcock, USN Ret. at 2:30pm as well. October 28th would have been my father’s 83rd birthday, so I also spent some time visiting his headstone and bugled Call to Quarters in Section 7. Small world revelation: I was requested to sound Taps by a lifelong Navy Brat friend of mine with a 1970s Naples, Italy connection who was a good friend of RMC Worley. It turns out that the Worley’s were stationed in Morocco the same time my family was (early 1970s) and RMC Worley’s children were classmates of mine at Kenitra American Middle & High School.... It truly is a small world in which we live.
Honor and Remember.
Jim Steele, Commander, Squadron 137, Jacksonville, FL
Sons of the American Legion Detachment of Florida Member of the Year 2018-2019