The 4th Annual Great American Legion Banana Split Celebration was held Aug. 24 to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the banana split and Post 16's 103rd anniversary. This popular event was a tremendous success with well over 400 splits served. We are extremely pleased and grateful for the turnout and support for this event by the community and its many volunteers.
It was an incredible sight to see: a packed parking lot; lobby tables crammed with food donations; awesome decorations on the hall tables with various displays lining the main aisle; people consuming original banana splits; two World War II veterans being asked for photographs; St. Tammany Parish President Mike Cooper in attendance; Mayor Mark Johson again wearing the banana costume; and Goldfish Swim School’s mascot, “Bubbles,” joining the celebration. Legion, Auxiliary and Sons members, American Heritage Girls, Boy Scouts, and Covington and Mandeville JROTC cadets busily, effectively and efficiently performed an array of volunteer activities in the kitchen and throughout the hall.
We thank and greatly appreciate the generous support from our event sponsors: Hoodoo Ice Cream, Heritage Bank, Everett Heating & Cooling, Citizen’s Bank and Trust, West 30’s Redemption Company, Longbranch Recovery Center, Donut Shop of Folsom, Judith Perez, Lady Luxe, DocuCenter and other contributors. Without their support, the event and a sizable contribution to the Northshore Food Bank would not be possible. We are very appreciative for the participation of all our community partners.
This event has grown significantly over the past four years. It demonstrates what Post 16 is capable of achieving as a community partner. The Great American Legion Banana Split Celebration is quickly becoming a signature event and receiving significant recognition for Post 16 in St. Tammany Parish and beyond. Our reputation for providing a quality product has reached the Southshore and gained favor with several local community service organizations.
With next year being the 5th Annual Great American Legion Banana Split Celebration, we are hopeful we will add another activity to the event. With increased community involvement, help in planning, organizing and conducting this family-friendly event, and greater promotional activities, the potential for continued and greater success is attainable.