Veterans attend the Salute to Veterans event.


Hospice of Cincinnati welcome-home veterans event excels again

Northeast Post 630 - Blue Ash, OH

Hospice of Cincinnati again organized and presented an excellent recognition program for area veterans. The event occurred under the huge canopy at Summit Park in Blue Ash on Sept. 25. After registering, the veterans had the opportunity to view the several displays that had been set up and visit with the many vendors. NE Post 630 had a table among the vendors, and many veterans visited to talk with Outreach Coordinator Pat Buschmann and other Post 630 members about our post and The American Legion. A boxed lunch was provided to all veterans, who enjoyed their meal while music and singing with a patriotic theme were presented by various groups. There was, of course, quite a bit of conversation among the veterans during the time prior to the beginning of the formal ceremony.

The ceremony began with a welcome address from Julie Alley, veterans service liaison for the Hospice of Cincinnati; she was in charge of coordinating the entire event. Her address was followed by the first of three phases of the ceremony.

Honoring of All Who Died in Service to the United States: This phase began with the presentation of the Colors by our NE Post 630 Color Guard. Our flag team had the honor of presenting the Colors before the large crowd assembled under the canopy. Our rifle team presented a three-volley rifle salute, and our bugler sounded taps.

Honoring Those Missing From Among Us: This ceremony involved the display and explanation of the meaning of the Missing Man Table. Members of the Green Township VFW Post 10380 Color Guard provided the presentation.

Honoring Those Present by Era of Service: This phase recognized the veterans who were in attendance. They were asked to stand if they could, or wave if they could not, when their era of service was announced. Each of the few World War II veterans who were there was given a patriotic-themed quilt.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Post 630 flag team led the veterans from the site by leading the “Parade of Heroes”. As the veterans exited the venue, each was given a “thank you” gift bag filled with thank you cards, a sweet treat, a 7” by 7” patriotic-themed quilted square made by hospice volunteers, and other items. It was a very fitting and respectful “thank you” to all veterans for their service to our country. Hospice of Cincinnati should be commended for one of the most honorable ceremonies given to our veterans.

NE Post 630 Color Guard leads the veterans from the pavilion at the Salute to Veterans event.
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