NE Post 630, Boy Scouts Troop 299 and members of the Blue Ash Fire Department worked together to properly dispose of American flags that were worn or tattered. The ceremony took place at the Blue Ash Firehouse on Kenwood Road on Sept. 17. Flags were inspected by officers of Post 630 and leaders and members of Troop 299 to determine the worthiness of the flags. All were approved as to be fit for disposal. Sergeant-at-Arms Dave Buschmann and 3members of Troop 299 carried the flags during the inspection and transported them over to the burn barrel provided by members of the fire department. Each flag was placed in the fire while salutes were rendered for each one. After the ceremony, additional flags that were in unusable condition were properly disposed of. The Post 630 Color Guard provided the presentation of the Colors and the sounding of taps.