If you know Holly, then you know her smile. She had a great personality, and if she could help she would. Lots of memories are always played through everyone's head to make sure she is never forgotten, which she isn't.
Holly was born on September 27,1983 becoming the oldest of her three brothers. She graduated from Cranston High School East in 2001, where she played Field Hockey and participated in Hockey Cheerleading. After graduating, she went to CCRI where she learned about the Marines and how she could help her country after 9/11. She joined The Few, The Proud, the Marines in 2001 and assigned to Camp Lejuene. There she graced people with her smile, and personality.
After going through Boot Camp and becoming a full-fledged Marine, she remained in Camp Lejuene until she was shipped out to Iraq. She was assigned to Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force. She was assigned to be a mail clerk in the Anbar province of Falujuah. There she became the "Marine who brought good news". She sorted through thousands of mail intended for everyone at Camp Blue Diamond. She made sure everyone got their packages. She unfortunately lost her life on June 23, 2005 when her convoy was struck by a suicide bomber. That day we all lost a part of ourselves but we have a guardian angel that will look down on and protect us.
Through her scholarship and events in her name, we all remember the good times, the bad times, and the times, that will never go away. We all miss you Holly, and will never forget you. One day we will see your smiling face. Until then watch and protect us as we go through life.