Lake Stevens Legion and Auxiliary members "manned" their booth on Tuesday, August 3, for the local version of National Night Out Against Crime with an estimated 2,000 people in attendance. Located next to the town's War Memorial, Post 181 gave out Legion pamphlets "Play it Safe", "Warning Signs" (youth suicide), and "Gateway Drugs". They also had Eddie Eagle coloring books, stickers, and information for parents on firearm safety. Support our Troops posters were given out with Armed Forces Day 2010 postcards. There were mini Support our Troops yellow ribbon tattoos given away to the kids. A hot item were Legion copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.
Contact information was collected for two Blue Star Service Banners, one new membership paid, and three requests for Service Officer assistance.
There were 12 Legionnaires/Auxiliary members who helped in some way. Pictured are Commander Tom Thorleifson, President Karen Morea, Member Don Mulder, Auxiliary Chaplain Joyce Rasmussen, Adjutant Vern Rasmussen, and Member John Common (seated). Photo is courtesy of Mike Friend, Lake Stevens Family Center, which was the sponsoring organization.